
At South Ridge, we are passionate about prayer! It is our vision to see people spiritually connected to each other through prayer.

We encourage you to...

Seek prayer in your SR Group and/or serving team, in order to connect with those already journeying with you.

Call the church office to connect with someone immediately for prayer: (908) 735-5252.

Submit a prayer request for the Prayer Wall, which exists to connect anyone in the congregation and community through prayer. To respect people’s personal information, it is necessary for you to have the permission of the person we are praying for before submitting a prayer request.

To protect confidentiality, we will post on the Prayer Wall using initials only; God knows who it is!


Periodically, the church office will communicate emergency prayer requests for attendees, members, and their immediate family members through ePrayer updates. While the Prayer Wall exists for every kind of prayer request in the congregation and beyond, the purpose of ePrayer is to strengthen the spiritual bonds within the SR family.

While we understand that these prayer requests are on the internet, and that ePrayer is sent to many people, we ask that you do not repost these updates to social media sites. Many of these updates are of a sensitive nature, and keeping the updates within our SR Family protects the privacy of those involved as best as we can. We love the heart for prayer that so many of you have! We thank you for your faithful prayers. “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)

Update on MS: MS’s hip repair surgery went well, and they had her up and moving very soon afterward. MS is being moved today to Country Arch rehab facility, where she will continue to work on her recovery. Please continue to pray for her complete recovery, good pain management, and God’s peace to be upon her. Thank you for praying!

The funeral arrangements for 7 year old JR will be as follows: Join the family for a celebration of life on Saturday November 9, at Phillipsburg Alliance Church, 255 Lincoln St, Phillipsburg, NJ. There will be a visitation from 10am-12pm, and the service will begin at 12pm. There will be a processional to follow, heading to Northampton Memorial Shrine, 3051 Greenpond Dr, Easton PA. Thank you for continuing to pray for this family.

Please pray for the DelVal student who was hit by a car and med-evac’ed from the scene.

Please pray for long time congregant, MS, the mother of JL. MS fell yesterday and hit the coffee table with her back on the way down, resulting in a broken rib and broken hip. She is going into surgery today, where they will place a rod in her hip. After the surgery, she will go to a rehab facility. Please pray for God to guide the surgeon’s hands, for a successful procedure, and speedy recovery. Please pray for God’s peace and comfort for the whole family.  Thank you!

Please pray for FG, who is the father of JM and RC. He is currently hospitalized with cellulitis. Please pray for the medications to work, for complete healing, and for wisdom for the doctors. Please also pray God’s peace and comfort over FG and the whole family.  Thank you!

Update on AT: AT is finally home after a hospitalization and a stay in a rehab center for a brain bleed.  Please pray for his continued health and healing, and his family thanks you for your prayers!

Please pray for the Y family, as SY’s father has passed away. WY Jr., passed yesterday morning leaving his wife: W, and 4 children and their spouses: W and L, S and D, J and M, and B and J. There are also 9 grandchildren: C, D, M, C, A, T, T, E, and M and 1 great grandchild, J. Please pray for comfort for this family as they process this loss. Thank you for praying.

We are deeply grieved to share that this afternoon, 7 year old JR has passed into the arms of Jesus. He was in his mama’s arms and surrounded by loving family. Please pray for the R, W, and A families, who are deeply grieving this second loss, right on the heels of DA’s sudden passing less than two months ago. This family has been through so much; please pray for God’s supernatural strength, peace, and comfort.  Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Update on JR: Please pray for 7-year-old JR, who has been battling a rare, terminal brain cancer. His family has shared that, due to rapid decline in his condition, he has been moved to CHOP, where he has begun his journey home to Jesus. They think he has a day or two at most. The family is devastated. Please pray for the peace of Jesus to hover over all of them, for God’s mercy in JR’s homegoing, and for God to strengthen and carry his loved ones at this time. Thank you for praying.

Please continue to pray for little JR, who has been battling a rare and terminal form of brain cancer. He is now on hospice care and spends most of his days sleeping, as the tumor has been affecting his balance and motor skills. His health declines daily, and he is on pain meds and IV fluids. Please pray for comfort, peace, and strength for JR, his mom, CR, as well as his siblings and extended family.  Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Update on SB: SB, the sister of SS and daughter to D and DB, was finally  able to come home from the hospital and rehab facility where she had been due to her kidneys and liver ceasing to function. Her kidneys and liver have made a miraculous recovery! In fact, the nurses nicknamed SB “Miracle Girl!” Please join in praising God for His miraculous work and please continue to pray for SB’s complete healing and good health moving forward. The family would also like to thank everyone for their prayers!

Many of you have prayed diligently for AP, who has been battling a glioblastoma brain tumor for nearly two years. Please hold her husband MP, and their three precious kids (B age 6, Z age 5, and C age 2), as well as MP’s family in your fervent prayers. Please also lift up her mother, father, and sisters in prayer as well (the D family of C, M, A, and M & husband). Finally, please also remember in prayer all of the extended family and close friends who have been helping with AP’s hospice care. It seems that AP’s condition is declining. Please pray that He would carry her home gently, without suffering, and please cover this whole family in your loving prayers for strength and comfort during this very hard time.  Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Please pray for SB, the daughter of D and DB, and the sister of SS. She got very sick last week and became severely dehydrated. She is now currently hospitalized in the ICU with liver and kidney failure. While her liver has shown slight improvement and may have turned a corner, her kidneys are not functioning at all. Please pray for miraculous, complete healing, for the doctors to have wisdom, and for peace & comfort for the whole family.  Thank you for praying.

Update on GR: GR’s knee replacement went smoothly. While the pain has been a challenge, recovery and PT is on track. She thanks you for praying and for continued prayers for a smooth recovery!

Update on AR’s father, N: AR’s father, N, did well at his cardiac procedures yesterday. His stents were fine, and no new blockages were found!  He is home and being monitored as he recovers. Thank you for praying!

Please pray for AR’s father, NS, who is having angioplasty tomorrow to clear out a possible coronary blockage and/or to replace the stents in his heart. Due to previous heart surgeries, there is an added risk of complications. Please pray for NS to have God’s peace and comfort, for God to guide the doctors, for the procedure to be smooth and successful, and finally, for AR’s sister, K, who is their father’s primary caregiver. Thank you for praying!

Please pray for AT, who is currently hospitalized with a brain bleed. The doctors are running lots of tests to determine if it is connected to the Parkinson’s disease, with which AT has been diagnosed for some time now.  Please pray that the bleed can be resolved, that the doctors get to the bottom of the situation, for healing, and for peace & comfort for AT and his wife, MAR.  Thank you for praying!

Please pray for GR, who is having a knee replacement tomorrow. Please pray for a successful procedure, no side effects from the nerve blocks, good post surgery pain management, and no infection while healing. Please also pray for GR to have God’s peace, comfort, and patience through the whole surgery and healing process.  Thank you!

Update on WDV: WDV has had two catheterization procedures to attempt to restore blood flow to his foot, and he seems to be improving. The foot is warming up, and he is also on a variety of medications to help as well. If he continues to improve, he might be discharged today or tomorrow.  Please keep praying for total healing of his foot.  Thank you for praying.

Please pray for WDV. After healing up from his toe amputation and getting cleared to return to work, he suddenly is having problems with the same foot. He is in the hospital right now with no circulation to the whole left foot. WDV will be having a catheterization procedure today. Please pray for circulation to return to his foot and for complete healing.  Thank you!

We are grieved to share the news that DA passed into the arms of Jesus on Tuesday August 27th. Please pray for his wife AA, their four kids and baby due any day, for AA’s parents MW and AW, with whom the A family live. Please also pray for the R family, which are the extended family who live on the other side of the duplex home. They are a very close family, and everyone is grieving this unexpected loss. The congregation is invited to a small service at Rupell Funeral Home, located at 465 Memorial Parkway, Phillipsburg, NJ on Wednesday Sept 4. There will be a time of visitation from 5-7pm with a short service immediately following at the funeral home. Please bathe this family in prayer during this very hard time.  Thank you.


Update on WDV: WDV and his wife EDV would like to thank you for your prayers for Willie when he was having all the problems with his toe and then for the surgery that he needed on it. He waned to share that he is healed up and has been cleared to go back to work. Would you join the family in praising God for this? Thank you.

Please pray for CG’s Aunt L, who is an 85-year-old Catholic nun. She has survived brain cancer, lung cancer, bone cancer and was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. She has asked for prayers for her surgery on Sept. 9. Please pray for a successful surgery, and for God’s healing, mercy, and comfort to be upon her. Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Please pray for DA, who is battling cancer and is also an attendee as well as the son in law of A and MW. He is currently in the hospital coding and bleeding internally. Please pray that the doctors can stop the bleeding and please pray for God to do a miraculous healing work for DA. Please also pray for peace and comfort for his family, especially for his wife AA and their four children.  Thank you for praying!

We are grieved to share the news of the passing of long-time member, SH. SH lived to be 94 years old and loved her Lord Jesus. Please pray for her family as they mourn their earthside loss. Please pray especially for SH’s adult children and their families: long time attendee JS and family, as well as her siblings, L and R, and their respective families.  The arrangements are: a viewing on Friday 9/23, from 4pm-8pm at Holcombe-Fisher Funeral Home, 147 Main St, Flemington; the funeral service will be on Saturday 9/24, at 9am, also at Holcombe-Fisher Funeral Home.  Thank you for your prayers during this difficult time.

Please pray for JO, who will be getting an injection into her shoulder tomorrow, in order to deal with a cervical issue, which has caused her tremendous pain and many sleepless nights. Please pray for this injection to bring her relief and that the procedure would go smoothly.  Thank you for praying.

JULY 26 
Please pray for the B family. TB’s father, TG, passed away this week. He knew and loved the Lord. He will be remembered with a military funeral in Florida in August, where TB will get to connect with all of her siblings. Please pray for God’s peace and comfort during this difficult time of grief. Please also pray for a meaningful time of connection and sharing for TB and her family in August, as they celebrate their father’s life. Thank you so much for praying.

JULY 23 
Update on JR: JR completed his first of three weeks of radiation treatments. Initially, he had a tremendous amount of pain as a side effect, but the medical team was able to get that managed, and it has subsided. He came home for the weekend and then returned to CHOP on Monday. Please continue to pray for efficacy of treatment, as well as for no terrible side effects to occur.  Thank you for praying!

JULY 15 
Please continue to pray for little 7-year-old JR, who has terminal brain cancer. After his last round of treatments, the cancer was found to have metastasized to other parts of his body. He and his mom, CR, left today to head back to CHOP, where they will be staying for three weeks while JR receives another round of radiation. It is typically not safe to do a second round of radiation treatment, and some very serious side effects are a risk. He was quite upset to leave today. Also his twin sister and other siblings, as well as his cousins (who live next door and with whom he is very close), are all having a really hard time with the gravity of the current situation. Please pray for JR and this round of treatment to be helpful, for a healing miracle from the Lord, and for God’s peace & comfort to be upon the entire family.  Thank you for praying.

Please pray for K and CT as they mourn the loss of KT’s step-father, K. Please also pray for KT’s mom, D. Please pray for God’s peace, comfort,  and Presence to be with them all at this hard time. Thank you so much.

Please pray for K and KH and their whole family. K’s father passed away today at age 90 after suffering with Parkinson’s for quite some time. Please pray for God to wrap His arms around the whole family and to comfort them as they grieve. Thank you for praying.

Please pray for TM’s friend, DD, who was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She is only 42 years old, Please pray for complete healing. Thank you!

JUNE 28 
We are grieved to share the news that JM’s mother passed away yesterday. She passed at home, peacefully, and was surrounded by family. Please pray for peace and comfort for JM and his whole family at this hard time. Thank you for praying.

JUNE 26 
Update on RS: RS’s open heart surgery for the repair of two heart valves went smoothly on Monday. She is recovering in the hospital and is doing well. She is expected to be discharged on Friday or Saturday. Please keep praying for her recovery to be smooth, for her pain to be well managed, and for her compete healing. Thank you for praying!

Please pray for MD and family. MD’s father, who lived out of the country, passed away yesterday. MD and her siblings have a complicated past with their dad; but their hearts are very heavy. Please pray for MD, her siblings, D and M, as well as for her step mother and her step siblings. Please pray for all of them to find comfort for their hearts, for the brokenness wrapped in it, and that God would help them find the freedom of healing through the pain. Thank you for praying for MD and her family at this really challenging time.

JUNE 20 
Update on WDV: WDV’s foot is healing well after the toe amputation. He had his stitches removed, and the doctor told them it looks good. He might even be cleared to return to work in the next 3-4 weeks. WDV and his wife, EDV, are so thankful for your prayers. Please pray for continued speedy healing.  Thank you!

Please pray for KC’s great niece, AB, who is just 3 years old, is having a major spinal surgery tomorrow at RWJ in New Brunswick. This surgery is to correct a tethered spine, and they hope it will assist in the significant developmental delays that little AB is having. However, the surgery comes with enormous risks and potential for complications, such as paralysis, ostomy and bladder bags, etc. It begins at 10am and can take 5-7 hours.  Please pray for the best of all possible outcomes for AB, as well as for God to work through the surgeons.  Please petition God for healing and peace.  Thank you for praying.

JUNE 17 
RS received a call today that her heart valve repair surgery(originally scheduled for tomorrow, 6/18) is being rescheduled to Monday 6/24, due to the surgeon being ill. Please pray for everything to run smoothly on Monday 6/24, for a successful surgery, and for an easy recovery free of complications.  Thank you for praying!

JUNE 14 
Please pray for RS, who will be having open heart surgery at Morristown Memorial Hospital on Tuesday 6/18. Please pray for wisdom and divine guidance for the doctors, and please pray for RS to have the strength and stamina for a smooth recovery. Please also pray for a complete healing!  Thank you for praying!

JUNE 11 
Please pray for attendee JK. He is a Viet Nam veteran, who would study his bible in RidgeView before service, then attend service, then leave to serve at the VA. He has just recently been diagnosed with a difficult form of leukemia called CL-Leukemia. While his oncologist has informed him to “get his affairs in order because he may only have up to two years,” JK is pursuing a variety of healing therapies and modalities. JK is asking for bold prayer for God’s miraculous intervention for a remission. Please join in praying for God’s healing and the gift of time.  Thank you!

JUNE 10 
We are saddened to share the news that former Extend Ministry Partner, DS, has gone home to be with his Savior. He passed on Saturday, and the arrangements will be: a viewing on Friday, 6/14, at 6-8PM, at Cantelmi- Long Funeral Home, located at 500 Linden St, Bethlehem PA. Then on Saturday, 6/15, at 10AM there will be a calling hour, followed by an 11:00AM funeral service at Calvary Baptist Church, 5300 Green Pond Rd, Easton PA, with a luncheon following at the church. Please pray for the  whole family at this hard time – for DS’s wife, MS, and for his children and their spouses, M & JS and B & KS. Thank you for praying.

JUNE 10 
Update on WDV: WDV’s toe amputation surgery went smoothly. He and his wife, EDV, are back home now, where Willie is resting. His pain is greatly improved. He has many doctor appointments coming up, and prayers both for his recovery and all of those appointments would be appreciated. WDV and EDV are so very thankful for your prayer support!

Update on WDV: WDV needs his toe amputated, and the surgery is this afternoon. Please pray for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery.  Thank you for praying.

Former Extend Ministry Partner with Mukti Mission, DS, and father to our current partners, M and JS, as well as attendees B and KS, is now on hospice care. They are all together at DS’s bedside, along with their mother, DS’s wife, MS. Please pray for a gentle home-going, and peace and comfort for all.  Thank you for praying.

WDV has been readmitted to the hospital, and his toe is not looking good. Please pray that the doctors can save his toe and that it won’t need amputation. The pain has been quite bad, and the hospital is able to better manage it. Please also pray for continued pain management. Thank you!

Update on WDV: WDV came home from the hospital on Friday, where he will continue oral antibiotic treatment for 14 days to treat the wound on his toe. For now, it seems he can keep the toe, so long as it continues to heal! Please pray for complete healing! Thank you!

MAY 29 
Please pray for WDV, who has been admitted to the hospital for 48 hours of antibiotics, in hopes to prevent him losing one of his toes to amputation. WDV has has issues with his feet and toes in the past, so he and his wife, EDV, are asking for prayer for God’s divine healing intervention, for the antibiotics to work to preserve the toe, and for God’s miraculous peace through it all. Thank you for praying!

MAY 16
Six months ago, we shared that the K&LS’s young grandson, J, was diagnosed with leukemia. He has been undergoing a variety of treatments. After the current treatment, his bloodwork levels are the closest to normal that they have been in months. After next week’s spinal tap, he will go into a maintenance phase of treatment. Please keep praying for little J’s complete healing from cancer, as well as for God’s peace, comfort, and strength for the whole family. Thank you for praying!

MAY 16 
Update on AT’s daughter, L: L’s cellulitis has been responding to treatment, praise God!  She is home now from the hospital and taking antibiotics at home. The swelling and pain are decreasing. Please continue to pray for complete and speedy healing!  Thank you!

MAY 9 
Please pray for AT’s daughter, L, who has been hospitalized for IV antibiotic treatment for cellulitis on her leg. Please pray the medicine would work, for God’s healing hand, and for peace & comfort for the whole family.  Thank you for praying!

Update on BB’s father, GB: GB has had some additional testing, and it was determined that he had a heart attack; however, they are not seeing significant evidence of clogged arteries. Mainly his heart isn’t pumping as hard as it ought to. The biggest concern has been getting the edema and fluid around the lungs out. Please pray for GB’s health, that he will listen to the doctors, and that he can recover from the fluid imbalance as well as be able to strengthen his heart. Thank you for your continued prayers for GB.

Please pray for BB’s father, GB, who was taken by ambulance to the ER early this morning. Testing has revealed a pulmonary embolism, fluid in his lungs, elevated heart enzymes, and some level of heart failure. They have begun some treatment, and he is being admitted. He will have some further testing tomorrow as well. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for the doctors, for healing, and for peace for GB, for AB (GB’s wife and BB’s mom), and for the entire family.  Thank you so much for praying!

Update: Please continue to keep the R, W, & A families in your prayers for God’s healing, peace, and provision. CR’s and AW’s mother, JR, was in the hospital this past weekend with some cardiac events connected to what is known as Broken Heart Syndrome. JR lives with CR and her children, and has been helping to care for her other grandchildren while CR and her son, J, are staying at CHOP for J’s brain tumor radiation treatments. Thank you for remembering this family in your faithful prayers.

Update on AP: AP has spent some time in the rehab facility following her last craniotomy, as she has needed a bit more time and help for her brain to recover. It is looking like she might be discharged later this week, but she will still need some more recovery time, as she will still need a wheelchair and occasional walker. The medical team has also pushed back her treatment by a few weeks in order for her to have more time to recover as well. There are many details in the air about in home therapy and caretakers, etc. Please pray for God’s healing hand over AP, His peace and Presence over this family, and His provision for all that is needed in this brain cancer battle. Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Please pray for the W, R, and A families, all of whom attend South Ridge and share a duplex home. CR is the sister to AW. CR’s 7-year-old son, JR, was just diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor, for which there is little treatment. JR will begin radiation treatments at CHOP (where he and his mother are staying right now), which will last for 6 weeks in hopes of shrinking the tumor. JR’s twin sister, J, is missing her brother very much, and while she understands he is very sick and not coming home soon, she does not yet understand the gravity of the situation. Meanwhile, AW’s daughter and son-in-law, A and DA, and their four children live with A and MW. Just a few months ago, 32-year-old DA was suddenly diagnosed with stage 3-4 colon cancer that had spread to his liver. He has undergone surgeries and much chemotherapy. D and AA’s youngest child, 3-year-old A, has also been prayed over due to lead poisoning. Please pray for the members of this family; first and foremost, please pray God’s miraculous healing over little JR and over DA, as well as DA’s son, A. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, and for God’s strength, peace, and provision for the whole family.  Thank you for lifting this whole family up at this very hard time.

Update on AP: AP had her craniotomy on Thursday to attempt to reduce the size of the main mass of the brain tumor, as well as to place a treatment line for a treatment that begins next month. Initially, the doctors felt the surgery went well. They are finding, however, that it is taking a bit longer to recover this time, so AP is still in the hospital for a few more days, and then she will go to a rehab for a week or two. She is feeling fairly well, but she needs some therapy to recover. Please be in prayer for her brain to heal quickly, for God to slow the growth of the aggressive tumor, and for Him to carry this family gently, pouring our His peace upon them along the way. Thank you for praying.

Please pray for the 44th IBCT (NJ Army National Guard), as a couple thousand of them are deploying to the Middle East next month. Please pray for their safety, for their protection, for their mission, and for peace for them and their loved ones back at home.

Please pray for AP, who is battling very aggressive brain cancer. She will be going into surgery again this Thursday 3/7 for another craniotomy, where they will remove as much of the larger portion of the mass as they can and also place a direct line in there for treatment that begins in April. Please pray for God to guide the hands of the surgeon, for the procedure and upcoming treatment to slow the tumor’s growth, for healing, and for God’s peace, strength, and comfort to be upon AP, her husband MP, and their small children.  Thank you for praying.

Update on RP: RP’s heart catheterization procedure is complete, and they found that her arteries are clear – Praise God!  It seems that the cardiac issue is stress related, and the prognosis is favorable moving forward. Please continue to pray for a complete resolution to this health situation, as well as the Lord’s peace to be upon RP and her family.  Thank you!

Please pray for RP. She has had a cardiac event and is in the hospital right now. She is about to undergo a cardiac catheterization procedure. Please fervently pray for a safe, smooth procedure, for the doctors to get to the bottom of the situation, for a complete healing, as well as for God’s supernatural peace to comfort RP, her husband DP, and their grown kids, grandkids, and all their loved ones. Thank you for interceding for the Polizzi family.

Please pray for PM, who is currently hospitalized with multiple serious ailments. Please fervently intercede for PM’s healing, as well as for God to give wisdom and guidance to the doctors and medical care team. Thank you for your faithful prayers.

Please pray for KC and her family. Her father passed away last week, and she has been in Massachusetts with family, helping to organize arrangements, etc. Please pray for God’s supernatural peace and comfort upon KC and her family as they grieve this loss. Thank you.

Update on ED: E’s knee replacement surgery went well. Please continue to pray for her recovery and for good pain management. Thank you for praying.

Update on AW: A’s rotator cuff repair surgery went well, though the surgeon did find something else needing repair during the surgery. Please continue to pray for pain management and healing. Thank you for praying.

Please pray for ED, who will be having knee replacement surgery tomorrow, 1/25. Please pray for God to guide the surgeon’s hands, for a successful, smooth procedure, for good pain management, and for a speedy recovery.  Please also pray over the setting up of PT and the rehab work needed to regain mobility. Thank you so much for praying!

Please pray for AW, who will be having rotator cuff repair surgery on her right shoulder tomorrow. Her right arm will be immobilized for 6 weeks, followed by 6-12 months of recovery and PT. Please pray for God to guide the surgeon’s hands, for a successful, smooth procedure, for good pain management, and for a speedy recovery. Please also pray for her to adapt to using her non-dominant hand and for all the work needed to regain strength and mobility. Thank you so much!

Update on DH: DH had the surgery to remove the tumor from her parotid gland, and the surgeon was able to remove just the tumor and leave the parotid gland, which is still a bit sore and inflamed. But overall, she is recovering, so please keep praying for a speedy recovery and complete healing. Please also pray for a new employment situation, as she needs to find a new job. Thanks for praying!

Update on JH: The pathology reports came back on JH’s melanoma & lymph node removal. All the melanoma was removed, the lymph nodes were clear, and the stitches have been removed!  JH is doing well and has been cleared to engage in physical fitness again. Praise God for such great news! She will have a regimen of checkups with dermatologists and the surgeon over the next few years, but everything looks great right now. Please praise the Lord with the A family, as well as with JH and her husband, PH. Please continue to pray for no further recurrence.  Thank you for praying!

Please pray for RM, who was just diagnosed with RSV. She is a nurse and is also supposed to leave this Friday for a mission trip to Ghana. Please pray for a very speedy complete healing.  Thank you for praying!

We are grieved to share that J & ND’s 26 year old son, R, passed away in the early hours of this morning after a 3 year battle with brain cancer. Please pray God’s supernatural peace and comfort over their family at this hard time. Arrangements are forthcoming. Thank you.

Please pray for D & DA’s daughter, JH, who was recently found to have a spot of melanoma on her neck. She was seen at Sloan in NYC, where she had a surgical procedure to remove it and two lymph nodes this week. It went very smoothly, but they need to wait 7-10 days for the pathology report. Please pray for peace in the waiting, as well as clear margins, good test results, and a complete healing with no recurrences. Thank you for praying!

ND and her husband, JD, are newer to attending South Ridge. The family has reached out for prayer. Their 26 year old son, R, has been on a three year cancer journey to battle brain cancer. He is currently hospitalized at a children’s hospital in upstate New York, and it seems that his homegoing is imminent. Please pray for a smooth, peaceful transition to Heaven, as well as for God’s supernatural peace and comfort for the family.  Thank you for praying!

Please pray for DH, who is having a surgery on Thursday, 1/11, to remove a tumor from her parotid gland. The surgery site is right below her ear where there are a lot of facial nerves, so the surgery could be potentially tricky. DH also noted that she recently lost her job. So please pray for a successful surgery and smooth healing, as well as for peace and provision while she searches for a new job. Thank you for praying.

Update on AW: AW’s knee replacement last week went very well, and she is getting stronger and more mobile each day.  Please pray for continued recovery and strength!  Thank you!

Update: RM’s cardiac ablation procedure went well. He is home now, recovering, and is looking forward to relief from the symptoms he was having due the a-fib. He will have another less invasive follow-up procedure soon, but for now, things are going smoothly.  Thank you so much for praying, and please continue to pray for his recovery and healing. Thanks!

RM will be going into the hospital on Wednesday, 1/3, for a heart ablation procedure to address an atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) condition that has been worsening. Please pray for God’s peace and calm for RM and his family, as well as for His hand to be on the surgeon and caregivers that will be performing the procedure. Thank you for praying!

AW will be having a total knee replacement on Friday, 1/5. Please pray for a successful operation, effective pain management, a smooth recovery, and God’s healing hands to be on her. Thank you!

We are grieved to share the news that AM’s father, HC, passed away on December 24. Please pray for AM and her family at this very difficult time, and especially please remember AM’s mother, BC, in your prayers for their peace and comfort. Thank you for praying for them all as they grieve this loss.

Update on K and LS’s grandson, J: J’s parents, A and N, received an early Christmas gift of the good news that baby J’s leukemia is in remission. He will continue on with treatments, which are intended to keep him in remission. They will soon hear what the next phase of treatments will look like. The whole family is beyond grateful for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for J’s complete healing and complete, lifetime remission. Thank you!

We are grieved to share the news that AW, a long-time attendee and volunteer at SR, has passed away. She is at peace in the arms of Jesus. Please pray God’s peace & comfort over her son, JS, and daughter in law, as GS, as well as for her many friends. Arrangements will be forthcoming. Thank you for praying.

Update on D and RS’s son, B: B’s surgery on his leg went well, and the surgeon was happy with the outcome. Please continue to pray that the bone will heal well, that there wouldn’t be any infection, and that B would be patient in the downtime of healing.  Thank you for praying!

Update on AP: AP had her brain surgery today to remove some of the mass of the tumor. The surgery went smoothly, and the surgeon was able to get a good portion of it out. He is hopeful that AP and her husband, MP, can get back home in a few days. Please continue to pray for AP’s healing and for peace & comfort for the whole family.  Thank you!

Please pray for a family that is newer to the area and to our church. AP and her family moved into the area a bit more than a year ago to be closer to some family. Shortly thereafter, she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer. She has been undergoing an immunotherapy clinical trial, but she needed to go into the city to be admitted to the hospital today. Tomorrow, 12/13, she will undergo a surgery to reduce the size of the brain mass. Please pray for God to guide the hands of the surgeon and medical team, for the best of all possible outcomes, and for miraculous healing.  Please also be in prayer for God’s supernatural peace & comfort for AP, for her husband MP, and for their three small children. Thank you for praying.

Please pray for D and RS’s son, BS. He fell and broke his leg over a year ago, and the bone has still not completely healed yet. DS will be have a 3rd surgery on his leg to try to set the bone securely and get it to heal well. It will be on Dec 7th at 9am. Please pray against any infection, for a smooth, successful surgery, and for complete healing.  Thank you!

Update on former member LD: LD was able to meet with that pain management doctor last week. He felt the issue was really nerve pain, so he added a pain medication specifically for that. He did note that it could take up to a week to make a difference, but praise God, LD noticed a difference in 12 hours!  It was such a help that she felt she didn’t need to use the stronger pain patch the doctor had prescribed. The relief has allowed her to drink water and her protein shakes – and even brush her teeth with significantly less pain. This is a huge praise! The one challenge in all this is that the medication is creating a good amount of dizziness. Please pray for this to subside, for continued pain relief, and for complete healing. LD is is overwhelmed with gratitude at all the care, prayer, and help everyone has offered. Thank you so much!

Update on AM’s father: AM’s dad had his partial hip replacement surgery,  and yesterday he was released to a rehab facility to learn how to use his new hip.  Please keep praying for smooth recovery and healing. Thank you!

Please pray for BG and HG. BG, who serves on the worship team, received a call during the 10:45 service this morning that there was a fire in his house. He raced home to find multiple fire departments there, his neighbors caring for his dogs that a heroic Amazon delivery driver woman had broken out of his house, and much local support. However, the house is lost due to extensive fire and water damage. HG was out of state visiting family and will arrive home early in the morning. They and the dogs are safe, have multiple offers of places to stay, as well as insurance and charitable organizations like the Red Cross helping. Of course, the emotional trauma of this tragedy is overwhelming, so please pray for rest, for peace & comfort, and for God to help the family sort through all of the details and procedures needing their attention over the coming weeks. As needs arise and ways to help BG & HG become clear, the Helping Hands team will be alerted, which you can join here. Thank you for praying for this family during this very hard time.

Update on BW’s great nephew, O: One-year-old O has been found to have Acute Monocytic Leukemia (ALM subtype M5), which is unfortunately a less common and more aggressive form to treat. He will undergo 5-6 months of very intense treatment, including chemo, genetic sequencing, and bone marrow biopsies. Some other testing has shown that there is some kind of mass behind O’s eye, which they think might be clump of leukemia cells, for which he has had an MRI. The family is awaiting results. Little O is on a ventilator and is currently receiving chemo. BM has gone to her sister’s house to help take care of O’s older sibling (while parents S and N are at the hospital with O) and to be with the family.  Please storm the heavens for O’s healing, for him to respond to treatments, and for peace & comfort for the whole family.  Thank you!

Please pray for AM’s 90 year old father, who fell and broke his hip. He is awaiting surgery. AM is asking for prayer for both his surgery and healing (as he is quite frail), as well as for her mother who is his primary caregiver. Please also pray for her parents’ salvation as well. Thank you for praying for AM’s family.

Please pray for BW’s great-nephew, 1 year old O. He was just diagnosed with leukemia last night. So far, he has had a blood transfusion and a bone marrow confirmation. They’ve placed a port and chemo starts Thursday. They are still waiting on lab results to find out what type of leukemia and how severe it is. Please pray for complete healing for this sweet baby, as well as God’s peace and comfort to be with his whole family, especially his parents, S (BW’s niece) and N.

Update on former member LD: Please continue to pray for LD. She still has not turned that anticipated corner after radiation treatments. She is still in terrible pain, cannot eat, can barely drink, and is very fatigued. She has been staying on top of her pain management, resting, and receiving fluids to stay hydrated. However, she still has not started improving. Due to this, LD will be meeting with a pain management doctor on Thursday at 11am. Could you please pray for God’s wisdom to be with this doctor to help bring LD some relief? Please also pray for encouragement and physical, mental, and spiritual stamina for LD, who is so very weary and discouraged. She has expressed deep appreciation and gratitude for everyone’s prayers and kindness.

Update on LI’s mother, L: L is finally being discharged from the hospital after a major intestinal surgery on 11/14. She will be heading to a rehab center where she will begin PT, OT, and eating. The I family thanks you so much for your prayers and asks for prayer for continued recovery and healing.

Update on K and LS’s grandson, J: The family thanks you for storming the heavens as they have some encouraging news. He has received two rounds of chemo and a spinal tap. The initial results of the tap show that all is clear, and they are awaiting the final results. He will have another of the same procedure tomorrow. Also, the percent of leukemia in his blood (blast count), which was initially at 32 upon arrival at the hospital, is down now to 3. These are encouraging results. After all of this, as long as results stay good, he will continue with 2 years of outpatient treatment and monitoring.  Please continue to pray for complete healing, for minimal side effects, and for peace & comfort for the whole family. Thank you for praying!

Update on WdV: WdV’s surgery yesterday went well. He was found to have two clogged arteries in his left leg, at 90 and 99%, as well as a clogged stent. All were cleared and an additional stent was placed. He is recovering well. Please pray for a complete and smooth recovery without any complications.  Thank you so much for praying!

Please pray for WdV, who is in the hospital right now. He is having circulation issues in his leg, and he will have surgery tomorrow where a cardiac catheterization will be performed and possibly a stent will be placed. Please pray for the best of all possible outcomes, for a speedy recovery, and for peace for WdV and his family – especially with his being in the hospital across Thanksgiving.  Thank you for praying.

Please pray for KS and LS’s family. Their 16 month old grandson, J, has just been diagnosed with leukemia. He is at Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. Please pray for J, for his parents, A and N, and for his entire medical team. Please also pray for complete healing for J.  Thank you for praying.

Update on LI’s mother, L: L’s surgery was successful. The surgeon found three additional fistulas while he was in there, and he was able to repair them. L had a colostomy that was also successful as well. The family is so thankful to God and to everyone for their prayers. The family would so appreciate continued prayers for healing and a smooth recovery for L. Thank you!

Update on former member LD: LD completed all of her radiation treatments, but as the doctor warned her, the side effects have worsened. She is unable to eat or drink, and she is dehydrated and weak. She is getting some IV fluids, which helps. She is also suffering with intense pain that the medications aren’t helping, She is physically and emotionally spent. Please pray for rapid healing and relief, as well as for God’s supernatural comfort and peace. Thank you for praying.

Update on LI’s mother, L: L finally did decide to schedule the surgery to repair the fistula and treat the sepsis. The surgery is scheduled for 7:30am tomorrow. Please pray for a smooth and successful surgery, for God to work His healing through the doctor’s hands, and for peace & comfort for L and her whole family.  Please also continue to pray for L’s salvation. Thank you for praying!

Update on KH’s stepfather, S: The mass in S’s lung was discovered to not be cancerous, praise God!  It is a rare form of pneumonia, for which he is now being treated.  Please pray for the treatment to be effective and for S’s complete healing. Thank you for praying!

Please pray for LI’s mother, who is elderly and very sick with chronic colitis, a UTI, a fistula, and is now septic. Up until recently, her mother was strong and active, but now her only hope to survive these conditions is to have surgery, about which her mother is vacillating. LI’s mom is not a believer.  LI and her husband DI ask for prayers for the salvation and healing of LI’s mother. Please pray for God’s peace and comfort for the whole family as well. Thank you for praying!

Please pray for LS and family. LS’s mother, C, passed into Jesus’s arms on Tuesday. C was at home, surrounded by her husband and three daughters singing hymns to her as she passed.  While the family grieves her loss, they also rejoice that she is at peace in eternity with her Savior. Please pray for LS’s whole family during this hard time. Thank you for praying.

Update on CG’s father, HG: CG’s dad went to be with the Lord Sunday evening. He was comfortable on hospice care and passed peacefully. The family is grateful for your prayers and asks for continued prayer in the upcoming days. Thank you for praying for them during this hard time.
A memorial service will be planned in the near future.

Please pray for SS, who is dealing with another infection. She is really feeling very ill. She has been prescribed another antibiotic. Please pray that the medicine works and that she feels better soon. Please also pray that she find some relief from these recurrent infections. Thank you so much for praying!

Please pray for the G family.  CG’s father, HG, has been dealing with extreme pain from a compression fracture of a vertebrae for the past several months.  Now he has been diagnosed with cancer in his spine, and he has begun hospice care. Please pray that they can keep HG comfortable during this time, and also pray for peace and comfort for the entire family. Thank you so much.

Please pray for J&SI’s sister-in-law, U. U is having a surgery on 11/6 to have a pacemaker/defibrillator implanted. She has had a number of health issues over the years, including childhood cancer, which makes this surgery a concern. The family is requesting prayer for God’s wisdom to be with the surgical team, as well as a smooth, uncomplicated recovery process. Thank you for praying!

Update: Please continue to pray for former member LD, who is battling cancer and undergoing radiation treatments. She is experiencing a lot of difficult side effects that are proving a challenge to manage. Even the pain meds are proving to have some issues, causing LD to be sick, which is a problem when one’s throat is already ulcerated; therefore, eating and drinking are becoming more of an issue as well. Lisa is also struggling with pain, fatigue, hair loss, and the ability to mentally face 10 more treatments.  Please pray for God’s comfort & healing to be at work against these hard side effects. Please also ask God to protect LD’s body and healthy cells, and please pray for her to be able to move forward in God’s strength.  Thank you for your faithful prayer!

Please pray for KH’s stepfather, S. The doctors have discovered a mass in his lung. A PET scan and biopsy are to be scheduled as soon as possible. Please pray for a quick and accurate diagnosis, as well as for the mass to be benign and treatable.  Thank you for praying!

Update on LD: Please continue to pray for former member, LD, who has been battling cancer in her tonsil and lymph nodes. After her two surgeries, LD’s doctors felt that a series of radiation treatments would be the best choice moving forward. LD is partway through those treatments, and they are going well, yet she is experiencing a handful of difficult side effects: the feeling of always having a lump in her throat, mouth sores, painful, tight, red skin on her neck, and some fatigue. She would love prayer over these symptoms, as she has been handling them with ibuprofen only; if she needs a stronger pain medicine, she would not be able to drive, which would then necessitate finding daily rides to PT, treatment, and for her daughter. Please pray that whatever happens, that God would order and orchestrate all the details. Please continue also to pray for complete healing, as well as peace and comfort for LD and her family. Thank you!

Please pray for SC, who has been in and out of the ER over the last week due to respiratory problems and other chronic illnesses. Please pray for compassionate and correct care, as well as for complete healing of all the issues.  Thank you for praying.

Update: Please continue to pray for DA. She came home from the hospital this past Monday night, and she has been recovering at home with oral antibiotic treatment. She is still a bit weak from the whole ordeal, but she is coming along, little by little. Please pray for complete healing and for a restoration of her strength and energy!  Thank you!

Please pray for the family of TM’s daughter’s friend/roommate. This friend’s father died suddenly. The family is in a time of challenging grief. Thank you for praying.

Update on DA: DA remains in the hospital being treated for a staph infection. She is doing better, however, so the doctors are talking about a possible discharge soon. Please keep praying for compete healing!  Thank you!

AS will be having knee replacement surgery tomorrow, 10/9. Please pray for a smooth procedure, as well as for a speedy recovery with no complications!  Thank you!

Please pray for DA, who has been admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics to treat a staph infection. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, for the treatment to be effective, for complete healing for DA, and peace for DA and her whole family. Thank you for your faithful prayers.

We are grieved to share that KK’s brother, TG, has passed into eternity. He passed away on Monday afternoon after a brief hospitalization. He had spent the last 17 years battling illness that affected his organ systems, and he lived many, many more years than the doctors ever expected due to the graciousness of our Lord and Savior, as well as TG’s positive spirit. Please pray for KK and her whole family during this time of grief. Thank you for praying.

Please pray for KK’s brother, TG. He is currently in congestive heart failure, and he cannot be listed for the double lung transplant, which he needs. The doctors say that he will not survive another 2 years without the transplant, but his chances of surviving a transplant are also slim. He has survived 17 years longer than the doctors expected. But with the recent death of his friend, Dr. KG, he is feeling really down and dejected. Please pray for strength, peace of mind, and healing for TG. Please also pray for encouragement, strength, and peace for TG’s whole family – especially KK, who does a lot of his caretaking. Thank you for your prayers!

Please pray for CG’s brother in law, TL. He is in the ICU in upstate NY due to bacterial pneumonia and kidney failure. He is also on a ventilator. They are waiting for more information from doctors. Please pray for TL’s complete healing, for wise, compassionate doctors, and for peace & comfort for the whole family, especially for CG’s sister and TL’s wife, JL.  Thank you for praying.

Update on KT’s mother, BA: BA was able to have her hip repair surgery this afternoon. Please pray for a successful recovery, for good pain management, and for her overall health to be strengthened. Please also pray for peace and comfort for the family as they try to help BA.  Thank you for praying!

Please pray for KT’s mother, BA. She has been struggling with several health problems for quite some time. At home she got dehydrated and weak and was taken to the hospital, where she battled another UTI. From there, she recently went back into a rehab facility to try to build up strength to walk. While in rehab at physical therapy, she fell and broke her hip and now requires surgery; however, she is running a fever. The doctors need to discern what is causing the fever before they can perform surgery. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, healing for BA, and peace & comfort for the whole family. Thank you!

Update on SS: Thank you for your prayers for SS’s recent surgery.  The surgery could not successfully correct the problem concerning her condition.  The outcome was helpful enough to provide some comfort, however.  She is feeling fine and should not need any further surgery.  Your love and prayers are so very appreciated! Thank you for praying!

Please pray for longtime member, SS.  She is having another surgery tomorrow due to her ongoing condition.  May our Lord continue to oversee the surgery and outcome according to His love and mercy! Thank you for your prayers, always!

Please pray for RW and her family. Her father is in the end stages of his life, and his homegoing to Jesus is imminent. Please pray her father’s walk home would be smooth and without suffering, and please pray for peace, comfort, and strength for R’s stepmother, LS (who just celebrated her 45th anniversary with R’s dad), as well as for R and her whole family. Thank you for lifting them up in prayer at this very hard time.

Update on LE: LE completed her rounds of chemo and had some scans. Praise God, the scans showed that all the other masses except for the larger original one are gone! Even some of the previously affected lymph nodes around the original mass are now clear.  She will begin radiation on the mass in her breast/chest, in hopes to halt any further growth and to get LE to a place where surgery could be performed successfully. Please continue to pray for LE’s complete healing as she battles cancer. Please also pray for effective treatments, no further growth of the mass, for wisdom for the doctors, and peace & comfort for LE and her whole family. Thank you for praying!

Please pray for a request from TM. Her coworker’s grandson, S, is an infant who was born with some kind of stomach abnormality. He is undergoing surgery today to repair it.  Please pray for a smooth, safe surgery for baby S, and lots of peace and comfort for his family. Thank you!

Update on former member LD: LD was able to be discharged from the hospital and head home yesterday. Please continue to pray against infection, for pain management, and for complete healing from both the surgery and the cancer.  Thank you for praying.

K and KH are requesting continued prayer for their daughter NH. NH was discharged from Carrier Clinic on Friday, and on Sunday, she has returned to residential treatment in Maryland. (After coming home from this residential facility in June, she quickly declined again, sending her to Carrier as she had begun using very maladaptive coping skills again and was struggling to stay alive.) NH has expressed a need for relief from the agonizing intensity of this battle, as well as has shared how extraordinarily hard it is to find hope, especially given how long she has been fighting. She is deeply hurting and is asking specifically for prayer for the ability to fight for her life without listening to the darkness in her mind.  KH, KH, and NH all ask for prayer that this admission would change the cycle and lead her on a path of recovery. Additionally, the whole family is praying for God to make a way for NH to go to a long term facility after this to receive further care. NH and her family thank everyone for their prayers.

Update on former member, LD: LD has been moved out of the SICU and the doctors are waiting on a few particular turning points before they can remove her tracheotomy and send her home, such as a reduction in swelling and healing at the site. Please continue to pray for her complete healing from both of her surgeries as well as the cancer she is battling.  Thank you for your prayers!

Update on former member, LD: LD was found to have a hematoma. The doctors performed a surgery to remove it and cauterize the blood vessel causing it. The also had to place a tracheotomy, and she will be in the SICU for a few days. Please pray for protection from infection, good pain management, continued healing, wisdom for the medical team, and peace & comfort for LD and her family. Thank you for your continued prayer.

Please pray for former member, LD, who had surgery to remove some cancerous masses on her tonsil and lymph nodes in her neck last week. She is having some unexplained swelling and pain, and so she is on the way back to the hospital – at the direction of her medical team. They want to do an ultrasound to rule out any problems. Please pray for the right medical team members to be available and for wisdom for them as they evaluate. Please also pray for pain relief and for the swelling to subside.  Thank you for praying.

Please continue to pray for the M family, whose son PM passed away unexpectedly in a motor vehicle accident on Wednesday.  There will be a celebration of his life here at South Ridge Community Church, on Monday, July 24th. There will be a time of visitation from 3pm-5pm, with a service following at 5pm.  You can find more information here. Thank you for your continued love and prayer support for TM, KM, RM, and CM at this very hard time.

SG had the surgery to repair her broken hip yesterday. The surgery went well. Please continue to pray for a smooth recovery process and good pain management. Thank you for praying.

LD is out of her two surgeries now. They removed her tonsil and then some lymph nodes. The family is waiting to hear from the surgeon.  Please pray for a smooth recovery with no infection, good pain management, and for good news that they got all the cancer out.  Thank you for praying.

Please pray for SG, who fell yesterday and broke her hip. She is in the hospital right now, and is scheduled to have a surgery on her hip tonight. Please be in prayer for God to guide the surgeon’s hands, for a smooth repair and recovery, and for peace & comfort for SG and her family. Thank you for praying.

Update on former member LD: LD will be having surgery early tomorrow morning for the cancer she is battling. They will be removing a tonsil and a tumor in her neck.  Please pray for God to guide the surgeon’s hands, for a really successful surgery that removes all the cancer, and for peace & comfort for LD and her family.  Thank you for your faithful prayers.

We are deeply grieved to share that PM, son of TM and KM, brother to RM and CM, passed away unexpectedly yesterday in an accident. We are inexpressibly heartbroken for the family. Please join us in supporting the M’s, as well as all of PM’s friends and loved ones, in prayer. Please pray for the peace, strength, and comfort of God to carry them through these upcoming days and weeks.  Please pray for them all to tangibly feel Jesus holding their hearts. Psalm 34 tells us that the Lord hears our cries for help, and that He is near to those who are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. Please pray that TM, KM, RM, and CM feel the nearness of the Lord in the crushing of this grief. Thank you for praying. Details about arrangements will be shared as they become available.

Update on NH:  NH was admitted to Carrier Clinic last night. On Monday, NH’s clinical team at her IOP called for her to be screened. (Basically someone comes and does a depression screening that indicates if she needs to be admitted inpatient to keep her safe.)  NH is at a very low place and is tired of fighting. Please pray for hope, strength, peace, and healing.  Thank you.

Please pray for LE, who was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer a few months ago. It has spread to a spot in her neck, which is pressing on her vocal cords, as well as to her liver where two spots were detected. The tumor at the point of origin has grown so that it is pressing on her diaphragm, and it prohibits her from getting a full breath. In April LE began a series of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Praise God, the spots on her liver have shrunk by half in response to treatment. The doctors want to see the other tumors shrink more before moving to surgery, so she will have some more scans in two weeks to check on the treatment’s progress. Please pray for the scans to show the treatment working well, and also for strength, peace, and comfort for LE and her husband, SE, as well as their children, JE and SE. Finally, please pray for God to do a mighty work of complete healing in LE, and that He would sustain and carry her through this challenging journey. Thank you for your faithful prayers.

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